Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Freedom Center 1

Via bojack: 300 square foot apartments in the Pearl for $795. $2.65/sq ft is a lot of money. My 360 sq ft studios on Hawthorne would rent for $954 if that were the standard.
There are two kinds of people in this world.
Type 1:
For two women who work in the Pearl District - Kristin Collins, a Moule shopgirl, and Emma Wegener, a Caffe Umbria barista - the answer is ‘no way.’
And type 2:
Because her parents pay for her housing, [Becky Gilliam] said the proximity of Freedom Center 1 to school would outweigh the cost.

Godspeed, Freedom Center 1. Godspeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amusingly, three years down the road, your 360sqft apartment on Hawthorne would literally rent for $900+, and probably be filled the day you posted it.

These new Freedom Center apartments are actually a cheaper option now.