Thursday, July 15, 2010

I know I have to stop ragging on Wimbledon Square, but...

seriously. What's up with the weird rental amounts? $801? $632? $708?
I mean, c'mon. Yes, I understand it's a marketing gimmick and it makes you stand out on craigslist a little. But if someone at a bar asked me how much my rent was and I had to say "Oh, it's $673 per month not including utilities," then I would feel like a total douche nozzle. So congratulations, Wimbledon Square Apartments: You have finally become so annoying that you have your own actual tag/label on this stupid blog now. I'm going to slowly go through every post about you from the last 4 years and label them with "Wimbledon" so my disdain can be documented and possibly brought up in a future libel lawsuit.

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