Friday, June 11, 2010

Dogs in Snow

Only at the Ardea.
Totally not my demographic.
UPDATE: Whoever writes the ads for the Ardea is a total douche nozzle.
For example:
Oh my god. They keep posting more as I'm writing this blog post. I'm going to be up all night LOLing.
Here's a link to all of them.
I was kind of in a bad mood until I found this, so thanks, Ardea. Now whenever I'm feeling blue, I'll just think of you and keep Nut, Nut, Nuttin' along.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I try to skim the apartment listings on CL every day to see if anything interesting has turned up.

I HATE The Ardea. So tired of wading through their constant posts. Even if I could afford it, I wouldn't live there just out of spite.